The crowds following Jesus were large, we are told in Matthew 19:2. Attempting to trap Jesus and cast a shadow on his popularity, the Pharisees asked Jesus a hard question about divorce. Far from trapping him, they handed Jesus a microphone through which he quoted and elaborated on Genesis 2:24 and cast God’s vision for marriage through the ages. The disciples even bristled at his words.
I wonder how the truth that God is omniscient and omnipresent sinks into your life today? When you were still unformed, God had purposeful days on history’s calendar for you! God’s knowing of you from conception into eternity was complete before your heart began to beat. He has not only numbered your days, but ordained them: prepared them, appointed them, ordered them…all in love! This knowledge of God gives your life and the life of every human being tremendous weight and value.
Recently, as I studied Genesis, which details a long list of dysfunctional fathers, I was asked to consider what it means to me that God is my perfect Father? Maybe because I adore my earthly father, I have not had much need or spent much time reflecting on the how amazing it is that God is the ultimate Father I need. However, this question stirred something deep inside me.
In Philippians 1:3 the truth about friendship and all human relationships was set right in my mind. We want friends for us - for fulfillment, for companionship, for the fun of having our people - but this verse put the focus on God. I began to see that while relationships are the good stuff of life, they really point past themselves to the Giver of every good and perfect gift, God himself! Consider the implications...